Directions to School
Directions to Cantiague Elementary School
Directions to Cantiague Elementary School
678 Cantiague Rock Road
Jericho, New York 11753
Main Office Phone - 516 - 203-3650
Nurse's Phone - 516- 203-3600 (ext. 7485)
From the West
Long Island Expressway (495) to exit 40W. When you exit expressway you will be on service road (for about 1/2 mile) to traffic light (Rte. 25/Jericho Turnpike). Make a right turn and get immediately over into the left hand turning lane. At second light (very quick) make a left onto Cantiague Rock Road. The school is about 1/2 mile on your left hand side (right after the fire house).
From the East
LIE to exit 40W (Jericho Turnpike). Go two quick lights to the large intersection of Cantiague Rock Road/Brush Hollow Road. Make a left onto Cantiauge Rock Road. The school is 1/2 mile down on your left hand side.